Bountye is a search engine and aggregatorthat provides users with the ability to search multiple third-party sites for second hand goods and online classifieds all in one place.
Old design of the app obsolete and data showed us we had a drop in subscription transaction which means that old design affect the user experience and also the revenue of the company!

Time making a purchase takes users 15 - 30 min to be up and running after long choice of goods. It took a lot of time to learn how to set up the receipt of goods and find the necessary actions in the interface and users left the product without completing the purchase.

- Complicated
The product and purchase process is not intuitive. Users are not sure how much of the on ordering goods requirements they have finished or how much is remaining.

- Confusing
«ecause the product is not intuitive the users need help to ordering. The methods in which information and help is provided is not pleasant.
- Facilitated Design Sprint
I facilitated a 5 day long design sprint. The Designers, Product Manager, Developers, Internal Experts and Users combine forces in a room for five days. First we make sure we are all understanding the problem correctly. Using research, various thought evoking tools, communication and understanding we have a prototyped concept at the end of day 4. Now we can better communicate with VPs to see if the concept will solve the business need.

- Designed
Was invented the solution and built the prototype in order to tell the story. Also ran the concept through some initial user testing. This was a very large concept that has been talked about for time. The solution will impact and affect for all logic and interfaces. It was import that we vetted this concept with as many colleagues as possible.
Speed up and simplify the process of purchasing goods and make a friendly and beautiful interface

Set a goal
We hold a meeting with all stakeholders and product VPs to ensure we are all on the same page with the goal. Our goal was "Help users to start using the product faster"

Map it out
The current journey map is massive. Mapping out the user journey allows us to quickly see where the user problems arise. I have detailed below more about the current map.

New Map.
The ideal experience. The team starts by mapping out the ideal user experience. We take the map and run it past internal experts and users to see if we are close to hitting the mark.

Expert Sessions
We have already done some upfront User Research which has given us a good place to start. We bring in internal experts and/or current users to answer some questions that are still outstanding. We run them through the new journey map to validate if we are heading in the right direction.

How Might We
These are questions that we have about solving problems. Instead of stating the problem, turning the problem into a question can help facilitate ideation.We document these on the map so we make sure we solve them along the way.
3 Rounds of sketching. Each person presents their concept sketches and the team then votes on the features they like the best. The most voted on features help us shape our storyboard.
We create and evaluate the storyboard to make sure the team is comfortable with the story we are telling and the way we plan to solve the issues.
The last day calls for primarily only designers. We have PMs on standby to supply us with data and answer questions that might come up. We review the storyboard, make sure everything checks out and then we begin prototyping. Designers get assigned screens so we can build the prototype in tandem.
After the prototype was completed we hopped on the phone with a few users that had recently gone through the on-boarding process. Users were not able to poke any major holes in the concept, which was great. What was even better is they were very quickly able to provide us with more insights and ideas to incorporate. We heard about a few issues that had not came up in previous research.
Special Thanks!
Here's a small fraction of people who I want to thank for being my partners in crime and supporting me during this unique experience of building Bounty

Daria Osetrova
© 2003 - 2021, Art Osetrov